25 Things Most People Don't Know About Ready-mix Batching Plant Daily Check List

All the Questions should answer with Yes or No or Explanation

Check Dune Sand Clean/Lot of Deleterious/Rubbish materials seen Have we segregated such material away from stock bins (in the enclosed containe

01 Check aggregate for size and shape (Visual only) 

02 Check NWS. (Test Result)

3 Check Dune Sand Clean/Lot of Deleterious/Rubbish materials seen Have we segregated such material away from stock bins (in the enclosed container)

04 Is Coarse aggregate storage bins properly cleaned of dus in the last 24 Hr ?

05 Is there any cross contamination of raw materials any where? (in storage bins/hoppers)

Are the gratings /screens of plant bins in good condition to avoid entry of over size material entering in?

06 Any other comments related to aggregates:

07 Are all the admixtures drums stored in proper place (protected from sun and dust)? (Ensure that the barrels are properly covered wirth lid)


a) Are all the bags of microsilica stored properly? (the bags should not be kept open and exposed directly to sun, should be protected by coverting with tarpaulin sheets) 

b) Is there any wastage of microsilica taking place? (Near Sila / Storage location)

c) Are spillages of microsilica cleaned?

09 Did you find any raw material being at very low stock? Not received yet for new supply to be started?

10 Any complaint frm batchers about any batching errors? 

11 Have they cleaned the mixer in last 24 Hrs?

12 Any unusual complaints on production reported by batching plant operator or technician?

13 Are they using the right moisture content & absorption values provided by the laboratory for batching?

14 Did you verify the batching details w.r.t cement type, content, mixing time & temp for the daily concrete schedule?

15 What is the smallest batch cycle they have run in last 24 Hrs?

M3 errors within the tolerance limits?


a) is there any new batcher who started to do the batching? 

b) is there any new shovel operator who started to load the raw material?

c) Is there any new cement bulker off loader started to do work?

17 Is there any complaint from the plant technician/ operator about leakage of truck mixer water valve? Have we informed the plant co-ordinator about the complaint?

18 Are there any problems in supply of concrete at the specified temperature? (Like have we faced any problem of with ice plant in last 24 Hrs? Due to which we are not able to supply concrete at specified temperature?)

Any batching aborted at the plant? Reasons? What was done with the aborted concrete? Furnish details

19 Are there any problems in meeting the specified workability at sie?

20 Arjmme we supplying concrete of low workability/high workability (compared to specified slump)? Is there any mix in which we are finding problems (abnormal) in production? (Like not getting required / over slump for given dosage of admix and moisture) Which site and grade of concrete?

21 Are there any complaints about the quality of concrete mix? (Like mix is Harsh/Sandy/High bleeding/More slump loss/ Delayed in setting/Short measure/Ony few trucks had harsh mix) Please furnish the details here below.


a) Is plant technician taking all the samples as per required sampling plan? 

b) Are the equipments used by the technicians in proper condition/calibrated?(Like Cube moulds are properly Cleaned & Oiled. Concrete dial thermometer / measurement tapes affixed with the calibration certificates) 

c) What is the time of demoulding batching plant cubes and shifting to lab?

 d) Any technician, who is new to concrete sampling at batching plant started to work? (Discuss with him and observe his work frequently).

e) Have we deviated with planned sampling Vs actual sampling in last 24 Hrs? If so What is the reason & what corrective action implemented?

23 Any rejected/returned/diverted (regraded) concrete in last 24 Hrs? If so furnish the details below.

24 Is the variation in any 3 days/7 days / 28 days cube alarming for any given concrete? Furnish the details

25 Any untoward incident of safety which happened in production in last 24 Hrs?