A Look Into the Future: What Will the Quality Control Industry Look Like in 10 Years


Concrete Pavement and Concrete Structures 

Contractor Concrete Mix Design  The contractor is responsible for providing the design of the concrete mixture for use on the project and

Quality Control Plan 

The quality control plan must be produced and submitted according to the provision. 

Contractor Concrete Mix Design 
The contractor is responsible for providing the design of the concrete mixture for use on the project and 
for any necessary adjustments during production. A mix design may be a new design, or one used on 
a previous project. New mixtures are those that use different material sources or quantities than a 
previously used mix. 
A PCC Technician II, hired or employed by the contractor, is required to develop and submit the mix 
design report to the engineer before the production of concrete for the project. The mix design must 
meet the conditions specified in the QMP provision. The report can include a number of different mix 
designs, but each mix design is required to have supporting laboratory or field test results. Multiple mix 
designs will enable using the most appropriate mix on a project, for given conditions.

Concrete Mix Design, and submit to the engineer. The 
engineer's signature verifies that the engineer had an opportunity to review the mix design. 
A mix design may be transferred from one project to another if the quality control and verification test 
results verify consistent, acceptable performance. To be used on a new project, a transferred mix 
should contain the same materials and proportions as that used on the previous project. The 
contractor should submit a written and signed request for transfer of a mix design. The written request 
must certify that the source and characteristics of the materials have not changed since the original 
mix design was issued. All supporting documentation should be included with the request. This 
includes a summary of the quality control and verification test results from the previous project(s). 
With the initial use of a mixture in a production capacity, it is the contractor's responsibility to test the 
properties of the mixture in a trial batch before mass production. Trial mixtures must use the same 
materials proposed for the work. When necessary, minor adjustments may be made to a mix formula. 
The adjustments should be determined from the quality control test results. The adjusted mix formula 
must meet the conditions specified of the mix design in the QMP provision. 
A copy of the mix design must be made available to all the interested project parties (i.e. engineer, 
contractor, QC Technician, QA Technician, and Independent Assurance Technician). For concrete 
structures, fly ash or slag is required to be used as a partial replacement for portland cement. Use the 
appropriate materials and proportions as specified in the provision. For concrete pavement, fly ash or 
slag may be used as a partial replacement for portland cement concrete. Use the appropriate 
materials and proportions as specified in the provision. 

Concrete Plants 

Plant start up includes calibration of the plant and testing equipment. Before production, the contractor 
should inspect the plant and test equipment. The engineer may choose to waive his inspection based 
on the results of the contractor's report. 
In addition, the concrete producer is required to record the quantity of the materials used in each batch. 
The contractor is required to measure, monitor, and record the addition of materials to the mix after 
discharge from the plant. 

Aggregate Sampling & Testing 

Aggregate gradation sampling and testing must be performed according to the QMP provision. 

Combined Gradation 

A combined aggregate gradation analysis should only be conducted on samples collected during the 
production of concrete. This analysis is performed using the as-batched aggregate proportions for a 
production load of concrete. The batch proportions used for the analysis should be recorded from the 
plant at the time the aggregate samples are collected from the working  of the stockpiles. After 
performing gradation testing for each aggregate sample, the combined aggregate gradation is 
calculated according to the form instructions. Record project data on department worksheet WS3012, 
Combined Concrete Aggregate Gradation. 

 Specification Limits 
Lower and upper (specification) limits for the combined gradation should be calculated as follows: 
 1. Determine the as-batched fractional portion of each aggregate gradation, by dividing the weight of the 
aggregate gradation by the weight of the total aggregate used in the batch.
2. For each gradation control sieve, multiply the upper and lower specification limits for each gradation by the 
fractional portion of that aggregate being used. 
3. For each control sieve, add the resultant products, from step 2, for each aggregate's fractional upper 
specification limit and lower specification limit. 
The specification part of the calculation sheet (lower part) will remain fixed unless a change is made in 
the aggregate proportioning. In which case, it will be necessary to re-calculate the specification limits. 

Analysis of Combined Gradation Data 
The data resulting from the combined gradation analysis is used by the QC personnel to evaluate the 
mixture quality and for control chart plotting. Analysis should be conducted as follows. 
First, complete and determine the specification limits, by summarizing the principle gradations 
and performing the indicated calculations for the percent total retained and percent between sieves. 
The Aggregate Gradation Chart is used as a visual of where the combined gradation lies within the 
specification limits. If any blend changes are made the control chart running average values will start 
The provision requires the contractor to notify the engineer of adjustments made in the batching process. 
While movement within the specification envelope will be allowed to benefit the contractor's use of 
aggregate, any blend change resulting in a combined gradation outside the established envelope will 
constitute a significant adjustment to the mixture design. These adjustments will require approval of 
the engineer and re-establishment of the specification limits, following the previously outlined 
The gradation summary table and the aggregate gradation chart are intended to help the contractor make 
quality control decisions. 

Aggregate Moisture and P200 Testing 
During concrete production for pavement and structures, P200 tests are required. In addition, moisture 
content tests and Water cementitious ratio (W/Cm) calculations are required for class I structures 
concrete. Use department worksheet WS3010 "Worksheet for Calculating: Aggregate Moisture 
Content, Combined % Passing #200 Sieve, and Water/Cementitious Ratio" to calculate moisture 
content and combined P200. The quantities used must reflect a specific batch of concrete (not mix 
design quantities); therefore, as aggregate samples are collected the technician must also obtain 
current batch quantities. 

Concrete Testing 

Materials Reporting System 
The contractor submits mix information and test results for concrete pavement and concrete structures 
using the department's Materials Reporting System (MRS) 

Water Cementitious Ratio 

Water cementitious ratio (W/Cm) is an indicator of concrete quality. High water contents result in lower 
strength. W/Cm below 0.42 is desirable. 
The W/Cm is calculated according to the formula below. Quantities used must reflect target batch weights 
for production concrete; therefore, when an individual aggregate moisture content changes 
significantly, the technician must also obtain current target batch quantities and adjust the target batch 
weights to maintain the design W/Cm. If using mobile transit mixer trucks, be sure that the technician 
includes the water added on-site to the mix drum.

In order to make this information useful to the batch operator, timely results are necessary. Work should 
begin immediately after the samples are collected and results should be shared as soon as they are 

Concrete Pavement Lots & Sublots 
The contractor must define lot and sublot locations before placing any QMP concrete. Lots and sublots 
may contain concrete placed on more than one day of paving. A mainline sublot is 1000 lane feet in 
size. Therefore, depending on the paving operation, a sublot will be 500 linear feet for 2 lanes being 
paved simultaneously, or 1000 linear feet if the paving operation is one lane wide. For non-mainline 
surfaces a sublot is a maximum of 250 cubic yards. 
Lots will consist of a maximum of 8 sublots and contain material from a single mix design. If a lot contains 
less than 4 sublots, there is not enough information to establish a meaningful percent within limits 
(PWL) statistic, and therefore there is no opportunity for the contractor to earn a strength incentive for 
that lot. 

Concrete Structures Lots & Sublot 
The contractor must define all lots on the project before placing any QMP concrete. The contractor may 
need to adjust the planned lot sizes and locations to match the actual construction operations. These 
adjustments are allowable if they do not introduce bias. 
The contractor must define lots that do not exceed 500 CY of material from a single mix design. Each lot 
must be divided into sublots that do not exceed 50 CY. If a lot contains less than 4 sublots, there is not 
enough information to establish a meaningful percent within limits (PWL) statistic, and therefore there 
is no opportunity for the contractor to earn a strength incentive for that lot. 
The contractor should try to create lots that logically correspond to their construction operations. 
Encourage the contractor to define smaller lots if the work is spread out over time or if a number of 
smaller individual components are being constructed. Within each lot, the contractor should try to 
designate sublots that are all about the same size. Each sublot, however, is weighted by its volume for 
pay determination. 
Contractors will usually prefer to do the minimum required testing. Remind the contractor that under a 
statistical specification, it may be in their interest to define their lots and sublots rationally to reduce 
potential variability. 


1. A series of bridge footings is poured in a day. These footings contain 40 CY of material. For this pour, the 
contractor may want to create one sublot to represent the concrete that is placed on that day. 
2. A 700 CY deck is planned. This pour requires at least two lots. The contractor may want to divide the pour 
into two lots of 350 CY each and subdivide each lot into 7 sublots of 50 CY each. 
3. A small project contains two 35 CY abutments and an 80 CY deck. Since the total quantity of concrete 
under the Concrete Masonry Bridges bid item for the project is 150 CY, "small quantity" provisions apply. 
Here the contractor is instructed in the special provision to divide the project into at least 3 approximately 
uniformly sized sublots. 
If the contractor wants the benefit of a full statistical analysis and a possible strength incentive, they must 
create 4 or more sublots. In this example, it may make sense to define two 35 CY sublots for the 
abutment work and two 40 CY sublots for the deck.


Slump test results must be documented with appropriate sample identification information on a copy of 
the Air Content Control Chart. 


High concrete temperatures result in fast hydration of the concrete and can result in shrinkage cracking 
and low strengths. Temperature data must be recorded on a copy of the Air Content Control Chart. 

 Air Content 
The contractor plots air content data using the department's MRS software. 

Compressive Strength 

The contractor QC staff is responsible for fabrication, curing, and strength testing for standard-cured 
cylinders required under the QMP. These cylinders are independent of the field-cured opening 
strength cylinders that the contractor casts and breaks to determine when to remove forms, falsework, 
or open to service. 

Fabricating & Curing Cylinders 
The contractor QC staff fabricates, cures, and tests cylinders to determine the 28-day compressive 
strength for each sublot. A set of three 6X12 inch QC cylinders is required. The contractor selects 2 of 
the 3 QC cylinders at random and breaks them. If the breaking strengths are close to the same, the 
average strength of those 2 cylinders defines the sublot strength. If the 2 breaking strengths are 
significantly different, the contractor breaks the third QC cylinder and determines the sublot strength 
as the average of the 2 highest strength cylinders. 
The contractor records cylinder fabrication data using the department's MRS software. 
Care should be taken during casting, curing, transporting, and breaking cylinders to avoid anything that 
might bias the strength results. If vibrating cylinders, the technician should take particular care to avoid 
over-vibration that can cause segregation and lower strength. Although poor technique generally gives 
inconsistent and lower compressive strengths, which will hurt the contractor, some irregularities may 
benefit the contractor. 
All HTCP certified technicians are trained to follow the same standard procedures. The department's 
independent assurance staff is charged with monitoring all project testing, whether by the contractor, 
the department, or a consultant, to make sure that those standard procedures are followed. 

Strength Test Results 

The 28-day strength is the benchmark strength the department uses for design, to measure the concrete 
quality, and to determine incentive/disincentive pay adjustment. The average strength of the 2 QMP 
cylinders from each sublot defines the 28-day compressive strength for that sublot. 

Pay Adjustment for Strength 

The department determines a pay adjustment for 28-day compressive strength. For lots with less than 4 
sublots, each sublot is evaluated individually. For lots with 4 or more sublots a statistical analysis is 
done to determine a lot-by-lot pay adjustment. After verifying the contractor's data, the department 
calculates pay adjustments using the department's MRS software. The contractor must submit the 
required strength test information electronically using the MRS .
The department administers incentives and disincentives under different items. The unit for both items is 
dollars. The engineer should always use these items for pay adjustment. On smaller jobs, there may 
be a single pay adjustment done for the entire project. On larger projects pay adjustments may be 
issued with progress payments. 
The incentive items are included in the contract schedule of items as predetermined prices fixed at 
bidding. The fixed costs for the items are estimated at 60% of the maximum available incentives for 
the project. These items allow the engineer to pay incentives without a construction change order. 
Because a contractor can earn 0% to 100% of the maximum strength incentives attainable for the 
project and the contract bid items were at 60% of the maximum attainable, a project can result in more 
or less pay for the compressive strength incentives. 
The disincentive items are administrative items included in the Field Manager reference files to allow the 
engineer to assess disincentives but require the addition of the administrative items by change order. 

Pay Adjustment for Small Lots (less than 4 sublots) 
The contractor is free to establish lots with less than 4 sublots. With 4 sublots a statistical analysis is still 
meaningful, but with less than 4 sublots it is of questionable value. The department calculates the payadjustment for a lot with less than 4 sublots by treating each sublot individually. Sublots with average 
sublot strength greater than or equal to the specification limit receive no adjustment. Sublots with an 
average sublot strength less than the specification limit receive a disincentive. 

Statistical Pay Adjustment (4 or more sublots) 
The department calculates the pay adjustment for a lot with 4 or more sublots using a percent within limits 
analysis (PWL) based on lot statistics, the lot mean strength, and the lot sample standard deviation. 
Only those lots with a standard deviation below a specified threshold are eligible for incentive 
payment. The lower quality index, how many standard deviations the lot mean is above the 
specification limit, is calculated and used to determine the PWL for a given sample size. The resultant 
PWL is applied to a pay equation to determine the appropriate pay adjustment for the lot. 
The basis for the analysis is the sublot average strength, the average of 2 QC cylinders for each sublot. 
Weighted lot statistics are developed from the set of sublot average strengths as follows:

Additional Payment Considerations 
Special circumstances may require the engineer to modify the pay adjustment using the MRS software. 
Material that is represented by out-of-spec test results is not eligible for incentive payment. The 
engineer must deduct the appropriate amount from the lot pay adjustment that the MRS calculates. 
Testing frequencies for those other properties (aggregate gradation, P200, air content, slump, and 
concrete temperature) may not correspond to the strength sublots. The engineer should note what 
additional adjustments were made and how the quantity was determined using the MRS software 
"redlining tools." 

Department Testing 
Verification and independent assurance sampling and testing will be performed by the department or a 
department representative as described in the provision. Sampling and testing will be performed by an 
HTCP certified technician. 

Verification Testing 

Verification testing is performed by a department representative on samples collected independently of 
the contractor's samples according to the provision. Testing of the material is conducted in a separate laboratory and with separate equipment from the contractor's tests. The fabrication, curing, and 
strength testing of QV cylinders will follow the same procedures specified for QC cylinders. 

 Independent Assurance Review 
Independent assurance reviews are conducted by a department representative according to the provision 
and the department's Independent Assurance Program. These reviews are made of the contractor's 
quality control and the department's verification sampling and testing equipment and personnel. 

Ancillary Concrete 

Acceptance by Certification 

According to the provision, certain ancillary concrete items can be accepted based on a contractor's 
certificate of compliance. Not all ancillary concrete items can be accepted with this method.

Concrete Mix Design 
The contractor may elect to use a concrete mix from standard spec 501 or, where one of the grade A 
mixes is allowed under standard spec 501.3.1, an approved QMP mix design for concrete pavement 
or structural concrete from the current contract may be used. 

QC Documentation 
Document all observations, inspection records, mix adjustments, cylinder identification, and test results 
daily for the engineer . Submit original testing records to the 
engineer in a neat and orderly manner within 10 days after completing concrete production. 

Sampling Frequency 
Randomly choose sample locations using the procedures. Tests must be performed at 
the following frequencies: 
 1. A minimum of one slump and air test per 100 cubic yards per mix grade and placement method. 
 2. A minimum of one set of cylinders per 200 cubic yards per mix grade and placement method. 
 3. For deck overlays, one set of tests and one set of cylinders per 50 cubic yards. 
 4. For concrete base and base patching, one set of tests and one set of cylinders per 250 cubic yards. 

Compressive Strength 
The contractor QC staff is responsible for casting, field curing, and breaking cylinders for each sample 

Air Content 
The air content data must be plotted on a copy .

The recording of concrete temperature during the fabrication of strength cylinders will provide the 
contractor information that may be useful on future projects. High concrete temperatures result in fast 
hydration of the concrete, thus reducing the time before sawing must occur. If the hydration process is 
too fast, it can result in shrinkage cracking and low strength. The temperature data should be plotted 
on a copy .


A certified PCC technician I or IA should measure slump according to AASHTO T119. Do not use cut-off 
components of a metal roll-up tape. The measuring device must start at "zero" inches. The contractor 
need not test slump for slip-formed concrete unless the engineer requests. Provide material 
conforming to standard spec 501.3.7.1. Slump should be recorded on a copy of the WS5013. 

Aggregate Gradation Sampling and Testing 
Aggregate gradations must be performed according to the provision and using AASHTO T11 and T27. 

Department Testing 
Verification and independent assurance sampling and testing are performed by the department or a 
department representative as described in the provision. Sampling and testing must be performed by 
an HTCP certified technician. 

Verification Testing 
Verification testing is performed by a department representative on samples collected independently of 
the contractor's samples according to the provision. Testing of the material is conducted in a separate 
laboratory and with separate equipment from the contractor's tests. The fabrication, curing, and 
strength testing of QV cylinders will follow the same procedures specified for QC cylinders. 
 Independent Assurance Review 
Independent assurance reviews are conducted by a department representative according to the provision 
and the department's Independent Assurance Program. These reviews are made of the contractor's 
quality control and the department's verification sampling and testing equipment and personnel. 

Dispute Resolution 
Dispute resolution is conducted according to the provision.