5 Laws Anyone Working in Soil Test Should Know

Soil Testing
• Nutrients
• Contaminants

Backyard Soil Tests
• Color

Proportions of Sand, Silt, and Clay
Sand .05-2 mm
Silt .002-.05 mm
Clay <.002 mm
Coarse Fragments >2 mm

Soil Structure
Aggregation of Sand, Silt, and Clay Particles 
Structure affects:
Formation of Soil Structure
• Growth of roots and movement of organisms 
create pores and aggregates
• Soil organisms break down organic residues, 
producing glues that stabilize aggregates
• Fungi provide structural support to aggregates
• Physical, chemical processes also involved
Soil Color
Gray, mottled colors 
indicate seasonal high
water table.

Major Soil Types 
of the Puget 
Sound Area

Glacial Till Soil

Ablation till
• Not compacted
• Permeable to water and 
Basal till
• Compact and cemented
• Barrier to water and 

What Is A Soil Nutrient Test?
• A chemical evaluation of the nutrient 
supplying capability of the soil.
• Soil test results are calibrated with crop 
response research to develop fertilizer 
Soil Nutrient Testing
Soil Test vs. Crop Response

Interpreting Soil Tests
• Nutrient status 
 Low: fertilizer response likely 
 Medium: sometimes a fertilizer response 
 High: fertilizer response unlikely
• Fertilizer recommendation
Reference: EC 1478. Soil Test Interpretation Guide

Soil Nutrient Test
• Basic garden test: P, K, Ca, Mg, B, 
pH, lime requirement
• Options: Micronutrients (Zn, Mn, Cu, 
Fe), N, S, CEC, base saturation, organic 
matter, salts

When to Sample?
• Standard tests can be taken at any 
time before fertilization.
• It is best to be consistent from year to 

How Often to Sample
• Sample each unit every:
• 3 to 5 years for yards and 
• 1 to 3 years for commercial 

Taking a Sample
• Sample defined area
• Take 10 or more 
subsamples (0-8” deep)
• Dry and mix well
• Subsample 
mixture and 
fill sample bag
Choosing a Lab
• Does the lab routinely do agricultural and 
garden tests?
• Do they use OSU or WSU test methods?
• Do they give fertilizer recommendations?
• What information do they need?
• How to send sample?
• Cost?
• Turn-around time?
• What does report look like?

What About Soil pH?
• Indicates relative acidity or alkalinity
• pH 7 = neutral; less than 7 = acid; more than 7 = alkaline or basic
• Logarithmic scale
Why is pH Important?
• Nutrient availability
• Availability of toxic metals
• Microbiological activity
Desirable pH Ranges
Vegetables 6 to 7.5
Pastures 5.5 to 8
Acid loving plants 4.5 to 5.5

Contaminant Sampling
• Usually not needed
• You may want to test for lead and/or 
arsenic if you have good reason to 
suspect contamination:
 Plume of Asarco smelter (lead, arsenic)
 Growing food around foundation of old 
house (lead)

Biological Sampling
• Population or activity 
of soil organisms
• Not enough research 
has been done to 
recommend these 