I Will Tell You The Truth About Every Civil Engineer Should Know In The Next 5 minutes.



Taking concrete samples at the point-of-placement rather than the point-of-delivery is always

Special situations may occur which create difficulties in sampling and transporting 
samples taken from the point-of-placement.

 When this occurs, sampling at the point-of-delivery is 
satisfactory but only after running correlation tests between the 2 sampling locations. 

(Caution: The correction factors developed between the 2 sampling locations may vary due to changing conditions such as air and concrete temperature changes, pumping distances, etc.

 Perform correlation tests several times throughout the day.)
If necessary, modify sampling procedures to fit a specific situation. 

If the slump test result is outside of the slump range, correct before placing the concrete in the work. Make corrections as follows: 

Slump too low:

 Add water in measured amounts to bring the slump within the specified range. 
Record the added water on the Certificate of Compliance. 

Slump too high:

 Add additional cement by full bag to bring the slump within the specified range. 
Provide cement from the same manufacturer as the original batch. 

Record the added bags of cement on the Certificate of Compliance. 

After the addition of water, cement, or air-entraining admixture, remix the batch for 50 revolutions at mixing speed to insure adequate dispersion of the materials throughout the batch. 

Retest to verify compliance with the Specifications. If the concrete is placed in the work, report both tests on the Weekly Concrete Report  with a notation of the amount of water, cement or air-entraining admixture added. 

The number of revolutions at mixing speed shall not exceed 150 per Specification. Mix the concrete at agitating speed for all revolutions over 150. 

Obtain samples for strength tests by the same procedure as for slump or air test, except obtain the 
sample from the middle half of the load whenever possible. 

If the sample is transported to a different location for specimen fabrication, remix the sample to ensure uniformity. The following 
sections provide procedures for sampling from various mixers. 
Start slump, temperature, and air content tests within 5 minutes after obtaining the sample of fresh concrete. Start strength tests within 15 minutes of obtaining the sample.


Sample the concrete by either passing a container through the discharge stream of the mixer or by diverting a portion, or the entire discharge stream into a sampling container. 

When a container is passed through the discharge stream, sample the entire stream to reduce segregation that may occur as the material leaves the mixer. When sampling by diverting the discharge, diversion of one-half the discharge is satisfactory provided it is full-depth. 


Normally, take samples during the discharging operation. 

Obtain samples by collecting the full width of the discharge stream of the chute into a sampling container. Control the rate of discharge 
from the truck at a satisfactory rate for sampling. Do not reduce the rate of discharge by closing or reducing the size of the discharge opening of the truck.

 You may need to stop the discharge from 
the drum to collect the full width and depth of the discharge stream on the chute into the sampling container. 

Provide a sample of sufficient size to perform the tests without reusing the same concrete for subsequent tests. Usually samples are not taken from the first one-quarter or last one-quarter of a cubic meter (cubic 
yard) of truck discharge. 

Should these or other portions of the discharge indicate improper mixing, reject the concrete. It is recommended that after sampling; stop further discharge from the mixer 
until the tests are completed. 

If the slump and air content meet requirements, complete the discharge. This delay in placing concrete is extremely important when the test is on the first load 
of concrete of the day. 


Concrete strength varies with age. Under continuous favorable conditions, concrete continues to gain strength indefinitely. Samples of concrete taken from old pavements and tested in compression indicate higher strengths after 25 years than when the pavement was 1 to 3 years old. 

Tests for concrete strength are made shortly after it has been placed (7 to 90 days).

 It is always tested for acceptance at fairly early ages with respect to the concrete life and for this reason the 
strength obtained is less than the ultimate strength the concrete will attain. 

Flexural strength and compressive strength develop at different rates within the concrete. 

Except for the first few days, the rate of strength gain is greater in compression than in tension (flexural). 


Strength tests are required for one or both of the following purposes: 

1. To check the potential strength of the concrete under controlled conditions against the desired 
strength; and 

2. To establish a strength-age relationship for the concrete under job conditions as a control for construction operations or the opening of the work.

Tests made for the first purpose are referred to as standard tests and those for the second purpose are referred to as control tests. 

For uniform and comparable results, follow a standard and consistent procedure in making all of 
the test specimens whether they are used either for standard or for control tests. 

Twenty-four hours after casting, place the cylinders in water at a temperature of 15 to 25°C (60 to 80°F) for a period of 12 to 14 days. 

You do not need to remove plastic molds when curing cylinders in water however, remove the caps during the curing period.

 Transport the cylinder, in a capped plastic mold to prevent moisture loss, to the laboratory for further curing and testing. 

Adequately protect the specimens to avoid shipping damage. Completely fill out the Concrete 

Cylinder ID card  so that the cylinder is positively identified when it reaches the Office of Materials Laboratory. Number cylinders made on each contract in consecutive order, beginning with number 1. 
Show the cylinder numbers on both the identification card and on 
the Weekly Concrete Report for the concrete mix used. 
Cylinders that have the suffix “C” after the numbers are considered control cylinders and are cured the same as the structure. 

The standard cylinders are tested at 28 days, unless for special reasons, tests at different ages are 

Control cylinders should indicate the desired test age. If the test age is not given, they will be tested at 28 days. 

Some of the factors that can result in failures are listed below. Take precautions so none of these occur on the project.

 The first 3 factors do not affect the strength of the concrete in the structure, but cylinder test results do indicate lower strengths than the actual structure.

 The last 5 conditions affect the quality of the concrete in both the structure and in the specimens. 

1. Improper molding of the specimens may result in honeycombed sections in specimens. 

Honeycombing indicates improper molding methods, segregation of the coarse aggregate or a 
batching error resulting in excessively high rock content of the mix. 

2. Towards the end of each construction season, cylinders that broke below 80% of anticipated strength are checked to determine whether casting procedures were proper. 

In many cases the 
tops were poorly finished with open texture and projections. Identifications scribed in the tops are also observed as well as “nibs” on the bottom caused by striking the bottom of the mold with the rounded, semi-hemispherical rod. All cause reduced strength. 

3. Inadequate curing of the cylinders may result in low strengths. Concrete subjected to poor curing conditions in the first 48 hours may never develop its potential strength.

 Cylinders that 
are exposed to frost, direct rays of the sun on warm days, and to adverse dry conditions during early age are also affected. 

Low temperatures and lack of moisture retard strength gain, yielding 28-day strength values lower than expected; however, the concrete will eventually 
develop its full strength. 

4. Rough handling of cylinders, particularly during early ages, will cause fractures or planes of weakness in the cylinders. Disturbance of any nature during the setting period may reduce the 
concrete strength. 

5. A decrease in the cement content of the mix by either withholding part of the cement per batch or by increasing the quantity of aggregates per batch reduces the concrete strength. 

During the 
proportioning operations, assure that the proper quantities are measured out. Where sacked cement is furnished, assure the full content of each sack is placed in the mixer. 

6. The use of dirty or contaminated aggregates results in a lower bond strength between the cement paste and the aggregates, thus producing a poorer quality cement paste, thereby 
reducing concrete strength. 

7. Increasing the water content of the mix for easier workability without increasing the cement content to compensate for the additional water results in a weakened cement paste. 

sufficient water to give the desired consistency; additional water will shorten the life of the 
concrete structure.

 Water above the amount in the batch design results in a weaker cement 
paste along with a decrease in strength.

8. Decreasing mix time, either intentional or otherwise, may leave portions of both sand and gravel that are uncoated with cement paste. Worn mixing blades can also result in reduced mixing 


In making the test specimens, place molds on a level, firm foundation in a sheltered place where they can remain undisturbed and protected from direct sunlight and from temperatures below 15°C 
(60°F) for at least 24 hours.

 If metal molds are used, lightly oil the inside before placing concrete in them. If a suitable casting site is not available in the immediate proximity of the work, transport the concrete and cast specimens to a location where they are kept undisturbed for the initial 24-hour period. 

If sampling has caused segregation, re-mix by hand shoveling prior to casting the test 
Mn/DOT standard cylinder mold size is 100 x 200 mm (4 x 8 in.). 

If aggregate has a maximum 
size greater than 31.5 mm (1 1/4 in.), use 150 x 300 mm (6 x 12 in.) molds. 
White is Mn/DOT’s standard color for concrete cylinder molds. Mn/DOT also recommends using 
domed lids instead of flat lids. 

This is to discourage the practice of stacking cylinder molds 
containing plastic concrete on top of one another. 

This is to eliminate one possible cause for low cylinder strengths. 

White cylinder molds do not attract nearly as much heat from the sun as the 
black ones do. 

Standard cylinders must be kept in a protected area, out of the sun and protected 
from temperatures below 15°C (60°F), and undisturbed for the initial 24-hour period.

Cylinder Casting Procedure

1. Use steel, fiber, or plastic molds. 

2. Cast on flat surface. 

3. Start casting cylinder within 15 minutes
 of taking a representative sample of concrete. 

4. Place the concrete in the mold and rod each layer 25 times per layer
 in 2 equal layers for 100 x 200 mm (4 x 8 in.) cylinders using a 9.5 mm (3/8 in.) diameter hemispheric-nosed steel rod. 
For 150 x 300 mm (6 x 12 in.) cylinders, rod concrete 25 times per layer in 3 equal layers with a 16 mm (5/8 in.) diameter, hemispheric-nosed steel rod. Uniformly distribute the rodding over 
the cylinder area and penetrate slightly into the previous layer when tamping the second and/or 
third layers. 
5. Tap the sides of fiber and plastic molds after each layer lightly with the hand prior to the strike-
off to remove entrapped air bubbles on the sides of the mold. When using steel molds, tap the 
mold lightly with the mallet. 

6. After rodding the top layer, strike-off the surface evenly using a wood float or other suitable 
object. Do not use the cap as a finishing tool. 

7. When casting cylinders in plastic molds, place the cylinder cap on the mold immediately after 
finishing the cylinder. Place adequate curing medium on other molds. Do not disturb for 24 

8. Place SP and Field ID on cylinder mold, not on cylinder surface. Do not mark caps since they 
are reused. Do not etch identification into the surface of the cylinders. When using metal 
molds, transfer the ID to the top surface of cylinder and strip metal molds. 

9. Place in curing tank. Cylinders in plastic molds may cure in water tank with caps off. 

10. Fill out Concrete Test Cylinder ID card

11. Protect cylinder from moisture loss and shipping damage. Ship sufficiently prior to testing 
date. Ship cylinders in plastic molds if the tops are sealed. 
Protect the cylinder from moisture loss and extreme temperature change after casting. Control 
moisture loss by Placing the specimen in an insulated box containing moisture 
• Covering with polyethylene sheeting or bags 
• Covering with a minimum of 4 thicknesses of wet burlap 

• Covering with waterproof paper 
• Placing caps on plastic cylinder molds 
Protect specimens from the direct heat of the sun and from extreme changes in temperature.

cold weather, keep specimens in a heated enclosure and do not allow specimens to freeze. 

Fill out the sample card completely, including the source of concrete when ready-mix concrete is 

Enter the full name of the concrete source each time a card is made out.


These routine tests are usually made only on paving jobs and are tested at the job site. 
Rehabilitation projects requiring early openings may also utilize flexural tests. 
As with all testing practices, the value of the standard flexural test results depend entirely on 
uniform adherence to the standard procedure outlined below. Tests are normally made at the 
standard ages of 7 and 28 days. 

High early strength concrete may require additional beams to 
verify opening strengths. 
Record the test data for all beams on Concrete Test Beam Data (Form 2162) and submit to the 
Mn/DOT Concrete Engineering Unit every week after the 28-day specimens are tested. Whenever 
there is a change in the mix or in the source of any of the materials, report this data so that only one 
set of conditions are on a sheet. 


Carefully make the beams of representative concrete as follows: 

1. Obtain enough concrete to cast 7 and 28-day specimens. Casting should occur within 15 
minutes of obtaining the representative concrete sample. 

2. Clean and oil molds. 

3. Cast on a flat surface. 

4. Place concrete and rod 65 times per layer in 2 equal layers with a 16 mm (5/8 in.) rod. Spade 
along edges after each layer. Tap lightly along inside and outside edges after each layer. 

5. Strike off surface with a straight edge and finish with a trowel or wood float. 

6. Impress ID into the surface within 150 mm (6 in.) from outside edge. (If placed near the third 
point, the impressions of the numbers might adversely affect the test results.) 

7. Adequately cure and do not disturb for 24 hours. 

8. Place in curing tank. 

9. Test beams according to the procedure.

NOTE: Control beams are intended to verify opening strengths and therefore cure them in a 
similar manner as the pavement. In cases of late season paving, you may cure control beams in 
water tanks to avoid freezing and assume there is an equal trade off between the moist cure of the 
sample and the additional heat generated by the slab. In any case, ACI requires moist curing 
beams for at least 24 hours immediately before testing in water saturated with calcium hydroxide at 
23 ± 2°C (73 ± 3°F). 

Number the beams in consecutive order for each contract, beginning with number 1.

 Where more 
than one project is included in one contract, DO NOT use separate series of numbers. The 
numbers of the beams made each day and the station where they were cast are entered on the FLEXURAL STRENGTH TESTS .

These routine tests are usually made only on paving jobs and are tested at the job site. 

Rehabilitation projects requiring early openings may also utilize flexural tests. 
As with all testing practices, the value of the standard flexural test results depend entirely on 
uniform adherence to the standard procedure outlined below. Tests are normally made at the 
standard ages of 7 and 28 days. High early strength concrete may require additional beams to 
verify opening strengths. 
Record the test data for all beams on Concrete Test Beam Data (Form 2162) and submit to the 
Mn/DOT Concrete Engineering Unit every week after the 28-day specimens are tested. Whenever 
there is a change in the mix or in the source of any of the materials, report this data so that only one 
set of conditions are on a sheet. 

Carefully make the beams of representative concrete as follows: 

1. Obtain enough concrete to cast 7 and 28-day specimens. Casting should occur within 15 
minutes of obtaining the representative concrete sample. 

2. Clean and oil molds. 

3. Cast on a flat surface. 

4. Place concrete and rod 65 times per layer in 2 equal layers with a 16 mm (5/8 in.) rod. Spade 
along edges after each layer. Tap lightly along inside and outside edges after each layer. 

5. Strike off surface with a straight edge and finish with a trowel or wood float. 

6. Impress ID into the surface within 150 mm (6 in.) from outside edge. (If placed near the third 
point, the impressions of the numbers might adversely affect the test results.) 

7. Adequately cure and do not disturb for 24 hours. 

8. Place in curing tank. 

9. Test beams according to the procedure described.

NOTE: Control beams are intended to verify opening strengths and therefore cure them in a 
similar manner as the pavement. In cases of late season paving, you may cure control beams in 
water tanks to avoid freezing and assume there is an equal trade off between the moist cure of the 
sample and the additional heat generated by the slab. In any case, ACI requires moist curing 
beams for at least 24 hours immediately before testing in water saturated with calcium hydroxide at 
23 ± 2°C (73 ± 3°F). 

Number the beams in consecutive order for each contract, beginning with number 1. Where more 
than one project is included in one contract, DO NOT use separate series of numbers. The 
numbers of the beams made each day and the station where they were cast are entered on theAfter casting, the specimens are left uncovered only until the identification numbers are inscribed 
and then covered with wet burlap, impermeable paper, or polyethylene plastic and left undisturbed 
for 24 hours. Protect these test specimens from direct sun and extreme temperatures. 
When 24 hours old, carefully move the specimens in the molds to the testing locations. Exercise 
care in this operation to avoid damage to the beams. DO NOT throw or drop at any time. Upon
arrival at the testing site, remove the beams from the molds and store the specimens in saturated 
limewater at 15 to 25EC (60 to 80EF) until the 7 or 28-day testing date has arrived. DO NOT 
subject the specimens to water temperatures lower than 15°C (60°F).

Nearly all State Departments of 
Transportation use third point beam
breakers for flexural testing of concrete 
pavement. By using third point beam
breakers, Mn/DOT can share its test 
results with other states and adapt the test 
results for use with AASHTO pavement 
design equations. 
A. Before the First Use of the Beam 
Breaker After Transportation or 
1. Release all four case latches and lift 
the cover straight up. 
2. Place the cover at the desired operating
location and set the apparatus squarely 
on the top of the cover. See Figure A 
3. Remove any ties from the recorder or 
other components.

B. Recording Charts 
Third point loading recording charts are used to determine the Modulus of Rupture for each 
specimen. Proper use of the testing machine will apply a rate of loading between 861 and 1207 
kPa (125 and 175 psi) per minute for any beam whose cross section dimensions are 150 x 150 mm
(6 x 6 in.), ±8 mm (±5/16 in.). Four different spirals labeled A, B, C, and H are indicated on each 
recording chart. See Figure B 5-694.522. The chart in Figure E 5-694.522 is a guide to use in 
determining which spiral to use in testing each specimen. Note the exact dimensions of the 
specimen to determine which spiral to use. The chart is also used to correct the Modulus of 
Rupture values for specimens that do not have an exact 150 x 150 mm (6 x 6 in.) cross section. The 
spiral labeled H, is used for loading specimens at a rate of 861 kPa (125 psi) per minute, and is not 
used by Mn/DOT.

C. Test Procedures 
1. Remove the plastic dust cover. 
2. Close the control valve and pump the loading head approximately 6 mm (1/4 in.) until the 
piston floats. 
3. Open the recorder door and install a recording chart: slip the edge of the selected chart under the 
pen lifter and over the open chart hub. See Figure C 5-694.522. Do not clamp (in order to 
rotate the chart manually for checking). 
a. Adjust Zero - Adjust the cam as necessary until the pen traces the zero circle, turn the cam
with your fingers: clockwise to raise the pen and vice versa. The piston must float under no 
b. Check the friction - Move the pen arm up the chart approximately 25 mm (1 in.) and release 
it. It must return to zero without help. 
c. Correct pen adjustment occurs when: 
• The pen arm assembly is fully inserted and clamped in the pen arm holder. Check that
the two pen arm fingers are under both rivets and clamped with the screw. 
• The pen point trough is at approximately right angles to the chart both vertically and 
horizontally; flexing the pen arm and holding it close to the pen point adjust this. 
• The pen point just makes contact with the chart. Too much pressure will cause skipping. 
Pressure is adjusted by flexing the pen arm.
• The length of the pen arm radius will trace a minute arc or a pen tracking arc on the 
chart. This length is important because an incorrect pen arm radius will generate an error 
directly proportional to the error in its length. To check this adjustment: swing the pen 
point to the maximum travel; rotate the chart and hand clamp it so that the pen point rests 
precisely on an arc at maximum reading; allow the pen to draw its own arc as it returns to 
the zero circle. Examine the coincidence of two arcs. If the two arcs vary more than 1 
mm (1/32 in.) and are not corrected by adjustments as described in 1 and 2 above, the 
recorder needs calibration. You can also test the arc by tracing the radius 

4. With the beam on its side in relation to its position as molded, measure the width (b) and depth 
(d) at the center of the specimen. Take measurements to nearest 0.5 mm (0.02 in.). Use good 
outside calipers and a steel machinist’s rule. See Figure D 5-694.522. Using these 
measurements turn to Figure E 5-694.522 to determine which spiral you should trace.
5. Use the key and wind the chart drive clockwise approximately one full turn. See Figure F 5-
694.522. Rotate the chart to its starting position, and then clamp the recording chart.
6. With the beam on its side in relation to its position as molded (same position as used for taking 
the previous measurements), insert the beam from either end of the apparatus between the tie 
rods. Center the beam in relation to the four tie rods and have at least 25 mm (1 in.) of concrete 
protrude outside of each of the two cross-head bearing blocks. See Figures G and H 5-694.522.
7. The chain drive provides a quick method of adjusting the crossheads synchronized in height so 
that the load is applied normal to the beam. To operate, grasp opposite sides and move 
simultaneously clockwise to bring them down into contact with the beam, and counterclockwise 
to raise them. Stop as soon as they touch the beam; further loading is hydraulic. 
8. Close the Control Valve clockwise. Counterclockwise rotation of the pump handwheel will fill 
the pump with oil and clockwise rotation will introduce it into the main hydraulic system to 
apply load. The centerhead is quickly raised to establish initial contact with the beam by 
rapidly spinning the hand wheel clockwise. As soon as contact is established and the loading 
block(s) seated (the recorder pen will show a small load), refill the pump. 
9. Carefully trace the spiral of the rotating chart and load the beam until failure. 
10. Open the control valve (counterclockwise two turns only), to allow the piston to retract by 
gravity, raise the crossheads and remove the beam sections. 
11. Unclamp and remove the chart. After the end of the test, the chart drive will tick away until run 
down (clamp loop inverted). NOTE: You can rewind the chart drive at any time. 
12. Fill in all pertinent test result data. Measure the average width and average depth of the 
specimen at the section of failure, and record. If the beam does not measure exactly 152.5 x 
152.5 mm (6 x 6 in.), refer to the chart in Figure E 5-694.522. This chart is stored in the plastic 
holder on the front of the recorder door. Specimens must break in the middle one-third or 228.5 
mm (9 in.) of the beam or they are not acceptable.

Check and control the consistency of the concrete during each pour. According to Specification 
2461.4A4a, the slump test is a measure of the consistency of the concrete. The consistency 
therefore is a measure of the water content of the concrete. The water content controls and affects 
the cement content of the concrete. Since the slump test is important, do not substitute a guess for 
an actual test. 
The minimum tests required according to the Schedule of Materials Control may not provide a 
sufficient number of tests to assure quality. An individual slump test may not indicate the true 
consistency of the concrete because of unavoidable variations in the composition of the concrete 
and because of variations in the manipulation of the concrete. For this reason, take several tests to 
obtain a true average value. On small pours, one test may not provide sufficient information to 
assure quality. 
Enter the results of slump tests on the Weekly Concrete Report (Form 2448). See Figure B 5-
The consistency of concrete mixes, in terms of millimeters (inches) of slump, is determined by 
their relative water contents. Thus, a given change in the water content of a mix will result in a 
corresponding change in slump. The percentage change in water content per millimeters (inches) 
of slump change is not constant over the whole range of consistency. It is greater at the dry end of 
the range and less at the wet end. Only use this procedure when the plant has held back water from 
the design mix and the slump is less than required by the mix design. The added water to increase 
the slump cannot exceed the design water by more than 4% per Specification 2461.3J(2).
Guidelines for the approximate changes in water content, in percent, for various changes in slump 
are shown in Table A 5-694.530. 
To illustrate the use of the table, assume the water for a given mix will produce a 50 mm (2 in.) 
slump. If a 100 mm (4 in.) slump is desired with this mix, increase the water content 7.9%. In 
another illustration, the water content is decreased 10.3% to reduce the slump from 125 to 50 mm (5 to 2 in)

Equipment needed: 
• Slump cone in clean and good condition 
• Smooth, rounded 16.0 mm (5/8 in.) diameter steel rod with a rounded tip 
Consistency (Slump) Test Procedure: 
1. Obtain a representative concrete sample. Start test within 5 minutes of when sample was 
2. Dampen the slump cone and place on a flat, moist, non-absorbent and rigid surface; hold the 
cone firmly in place by standing on the foot pieces. 
3. Immediately fill the cone in 3 layers, each layer approximately one-third the volume of the 
mold or about 67 mm (2 5/8 in.) for the first layer and 155 mm (6 1/8 in.) for the middle layer. 
4. Rod each layer with 25 strokes of the tamping rod. Uniformly distribute the strokes over the 
cross-sections of each layer making approximately half of the strokes near the perimeter, then 
progress with vertical strokes spirally toward the center, slightly penetrating into the 
underlying layer. In rodding the top layer, an excess of concrete is maintained above the top 
of the cone. After the top layer is rodded, the surface of the concrete is struck off even with 
the top of the cone.

5. Remove any excess spillage of concrete from around the base of the cone and lift the cone 
clear of the concrete allowing the concrete to settle or slump under its own weight. Slowly 
lift the cone vertically and carefully to secure a proper result, with the lifting operation taking 
approximately 3 to 7 seconds. 
6. The amount of slump is measured immediately after the mold is lifted by placing the rodding 
bar across the inverted mold and measuring from the top of the mold to the displaced original 
center of the top of the concrete. Record the slump as measured to the nearest 5 mm (1/4 in.). 
7. If the slump test shows results higher than the maximum of the 25 mm (1 in.) slump range 
specified in 2461.3B3, notify the Contractor of the results and test the next load. When 
testing the next load, do not allow the placing of any concrete until the test shows acceptable 
• Specification 2461.4A4a allows an additional 25% above or 50% below the upper end of the 
specified range on an occasional basis. This does not change the slump range. This is 
intended to give the Contractor some time to correct any problems they may have and get the 
slump back within the range as soon as possible. If any load’s Certificate of Compliance 
shows the water used (including any added on site) is greater than mix design water subject to 
2461.3J(2), reject the load and do not place into the work. 
• Water reducers are currently more frequently used. According to Mn/DOT Specifications, 
water reducers must have the Engineer’s approval for use. If approval is granted, investigate 
any slump failures to verify if the high slump is due to the water or admixture. The price 
reductions listed in the Schedule of Price Reductions for high slumps, especially bridge deck 
concrete, were originally based on high slumps due to high water. High slumps caused by 
admixture may not warrant the price reduction imposed similar to that caused by water. In 
any case, the slump of the concrete should remain constant.


Mn/DOT has incorporated the use of AASHTO TP23-93 to verify the Contractor’s water in 
concrete pavements. This test uses a microwave oven to drive the water out of fresh concrete. 
Mn/DOT has an incentive/disincentive program for the water-cementitious (w/c) ratio. This 
incentive is based on the Contractor’s actual batch weights and is verified using the microwave. 
Knowing the weight of the fresh concrete and the weight of the dried concrete, the total water 
content can be calculated. This total water content is not the same as the total batch water content 
because the total water content includes all absorbed moisture in the aggregates. The water 
content used to determine the w/c ratio is the batch water added by the Contractor plus any free 
moisture; this does not include the absorbed moisture. 
There are many variables in this procedure. The most significant are the absorption and moisture 
of the aggregates. For this reason, Mn/DOT will run new absorption tests on all aggregate sources 
before paving begins. The Paving Contractor will also need this information since they will be 
designing their own mixes. Together with the Agency, the Contractor will have to submit samples 
to the Mn/DOT Office of Materials when they decide which aggregates they are going to use. 
Moisture tests and microwave oven testing are performed by the Agency. Testing rates are found 
in the special provisions. 

A. Verification of Water in Fresh Concrete Test Procedure 
See 5-694.734 for instructions and the worksheet for 
performing the microwave oven test procedure.

B. Definition of Lots and Sublots Involving Water/Cementitious Ratios 
For determination of water/cementitious ratio incentive/disincentive, a lot represents one day of 
paving. Paving includes integrant curb and gutter and curb and gutter placed with the same 
mixture as paving. A change in mix design requires beginning a new lot. Changes in mix design 
for small quantities such as hand work and high early mixes greater than 356 kg/m3
 (600 lbs/yd3
cementitious are not included as part of a lot or sublot for incentive/disincentive determinations. 
All samples for testing are taken in a random manner according to the prescribed sampling rate. A 
minimum of 2 tests and a maximum of 4 tests are required per day. The minimum sublot size is 
250 cubic meters (cubic yards). Gradation testing is not required when production is less than 250 
cubic meters (cubic yards) per day. 
If less than 3 sublots are produced in a day before the new mix design is initiated, the sublots shall 
be averaged with the previous lot and included as part of that lot. On the first day of production or 
whenever the mix design is changed prior to the production of 3 sublots, this production is hereby 
defined as a lot. If production is less than 3 sublots, the sublots are included in the next day’s 
production. On the last day of paving or on the last day of using a specific mix design, the 
concrete involved shall constitute a separate lot/sublot unless the above applies regarding less than 
3 sublots.


A. Operation of the Pressure Meter 
(Type B Meter)
1. Obtain a representative sample. Begin air content testing 
within 5 minutes of obtaining the representative sample. 
2. Dampen bowl. On a level surface, fill container in 3 equal 
layers, slightly overfilling the last layer. 
3. Rod each layer 25 times with a 16 mm (5/8 in.) rounded tip 
rod, uniformly distributing strokes. 
4. Rod bottom layer throughout its depth without forcibly 
striking bottom of container.
5. Rod the middle and top layer throughout their depths and 
penetrating 25 mm (1 in.) into the underlying layer. 
6. Tap the sides of the container smartly 10 to 15 times with 
the mallet after rodding each layer. 
7. Strike off concrete level with top of container using the bar 
and clean off rim.
8. Clean and moisten inside of cover before clamping to base. Figure A 5-694.541
9. Open both petcocks. 
10. Close air valve between air chamber and the bowl. 
11. Inject water through petcock until it flows out the other petcock. 
12. Continue injecting water into the petcock while jarring and tapping the meter to insure all air is 
13. Close air bleeder valve and pump air up to initial pressure line. 
14. Allow a few seconds for the compressed air to stabilize. 
15. Adjust the gage to the initial pressure. 
16. Close both petcocks. 
17. Open air valve between chamber and bowl. 
18. Read the air percentage after lightly tapping the gage to stabilize the dial. 
19. Close the air valve and then open petcocks to release pressure before removing the cover. 
20. Calculate air content: 
Air Content = (  meter reading − aggregate correction factor if requred)
21. Properly report (record) the results. 
22. Clean up the base, cover, and petcock openings. 
When the test indicates an air content outside the limits specified in Specification 2461.4A4b, run 
recheck test immediately. Record the results of the air tests on the Weekly Concrete Report 


The unit weight (density) test is a measure of the weight per cubic meter (cubic foot) of freshly mixed 
concrete. By knowing the unit weight of the concrete, other information can be determined such as the 
concrete yield and water content for microwave oven testing. See 5-694.734 for the unit weight test 


The Inspector should determine and record the concrete temperature at time of placement. Unless 
the Special Provisions for the Contract provide otherwise, the concrete temperature requirement is 
in the range of 10 to 30°C (50 to 90°F) per Mn/DOT Specification 2461.4A3. The Certificate of 
Compliance provides a space for the concrete temperature and air temperature. 
On most work, take the temperature with issued thermometers that have been checked for 
accuracy. On massive pours in large bridge piers or abutments, special installations of electrical 
thermocouples are sometimes needed to secure data on the rate of temperature change as produced 
by the heat of hydration of the cement. Such data is very important in determining how long 
protective coverings, forms, etc. shall remain in place before exposing the concrete to atmospheric Conditions.