Golden Rule 9 - Permit To Work: Expectations vs. Reality

Work permit is an essential and 
mandatory management tool 
to be adopted for non-routine 
or dangerous activities.

Site approval for renewal of work


• A PTW system must be in place with the relevant supporting 
procedures and systematically implemented.
• Simultaneous/concurrent activities shall be planned 
and subjected to risk assessment and PTW in order 
to eliminate/reduce interferential risks.
• Non-routine and high-risk activities shall be planned and 
subjected to risk assessment and PTW.
• Guarantee that all personnel receive proper training on using 
the PTW system.


• Is the PTW discussed in dedicated meetings?
• Have all personnel working under a PTW received 
the necessary information about its contents?
• Have you verified that all requirements specified in the PTW 
are implemented on site?


• Suspend and re-assess your work if a change occurs in the 
scope of the work, tools, equipment, personnel, shift change 
or any other condition of the PTW.