No Time? No Money? No Problem! How You Can Get Golden Rule 10 - Excavation Safety With a Zero-Dollar Budget

Soil characterization, protected excavation 
areas and correct use of machinery, 
guarantee the workers safety.

Soil excavation using heavy machinery

• A soil survey shall be carried out and all the risks shall be 
identified and assessed.
• Always consider underground services in the area, those shall 
be identified, marked and isolated (if necessary).
• Plan specific training for all personnel involved in excavation 
• Do you have a valid excavation clearance certificate and 
the PTW?
• Has the site been inspected by a competent person?
• Are the PPEs identified by the Employer in the specific risk 
assessment for the required task, in good condition and worn 
by all people? 


• Effectively shore, slope, bench, barricade and sign all excavations.
• Provide suitable entry and exit point when working in trenches, 
considering any possible emergency and weather condition.
• Guarantee that workers stand outside the area of action 
of the excavator.