The Most Common Golden Rule 3 - Fire Safety Debate Isn't as Black and White as You Might Think

Fire risk must be assessed and control 
measures such as procedures and 
active/passive fire protection systems 


• Ensure that a competent person for each site performs a fire 
risk assessment.
• Guarantee that a fire emergency response plan is developed 
and all personnel is trained.
• Guarantee the use of a specific PTW when the activity 
foreseen the use of free flame, equipment with ignition 
sources, and foresee the proper fire fighting measures.
• Plan, for a sufficient number of workers, specific training in the 
proper use of firefighting equipment.
• Periodically inspect and maintain the fire prevention and 
protection measures. 


• Are all work places equipped with means of fire detection, 
alarm and firefighting equipment?
• Are sources of ignition under control and unnecessary ones 
• Are escape routes and muster points clearly marked and kept 
easily accessible at all time?


• Handle and store flammable materials properly.
• Ensure that workers do not smoke at the plant, except 
in authorized areas, and they do not use naked flames a/o 
non-explosion proof equipment unless expressly authorized.
• Keep all areas clean and tidy.