The Pros and Cons of Sieve Analysis_Aggregate_Sand_Cement_etc

Sieve Analysis

determine the particle size distribution of a soil by mechanical sieving.


 To determine the particle size distribution of a soil by mechanical sieving. 


Soil consists of an assemblage of discrete particles of various shapes and sizes. 
In this experiment the soil particles are grouped into separate size ranges and to 
determine the relative proportions of dry weight of each size range is determined. 
Two separate procedures that is, sieving and sedimentation are used for grain size 
analysis to span the very wide range of particle sizes. Sieving is used for gravel and sand 
size particles, which can be separated into different size ranges with a series of sieves of 
standard aperture openings. Sieving can not be used for silt and clay size particles, 
wherein sedimentation procedure is used (e.g. hydrometer). 
From the grain size distribution curve, particle sizes such as D10, D30, and D60 can be 
obtained. The D10 is called as the effective particle size of the soil. 
Coefficient of Uniformity Cu: This is the indicator of the spread of the range of the 
particle sizes and defined as


1. Set of fine sieves -2 mm, 1 mm, 600Pm, 425Pm, 212Pm, 150Pm and 75Pm 
2. Set of coarse sieves -100mm, 80mm, 40mm, 20mm, 10mm and 4.75mm 
3. Weighing balance with an accuracy of 0.1 % mass of the sample 
4. Trays, brushes etc


(a) Processing of soil 

1. Pound the soil with a wooden mallet and mix the pounded soil properly. 
2. Weigh 1000g of soil separately in a tray. This is required for gravel analysis. 
3. Pass the remaining soil through 4.75mm sieve. 
4. Keep 5 to 7kg of soil (passing through 4.75mm sieve) in a packet supplied to you and 
keep it in box. This soil will be required for subsequent experiments. 

(b) Gravel distribution 

1. Soak 500g of deaired soil (from Step 3. above) in the tray. 
2. Add a pinch of Na2CO3 to aid dispersion and mix the mixture thoroughly. 
3. Keep the mixture for soaking for at least an hour. 
4. Wash the mixture on 4.75 mm sieve under the current of water and collect the 
fraction retained on the sieve. 
5. Transfer the fraction retained on the sieve to porcelain dish and keeps it for drying it 
in an oven for 24 hours. 
6. Pass the dried soil through the set of sieves from 38mm to 4.75mm and record the 
weight of soil retained on each sieve in the record sheet. 
7. Calculate the percent soil finer than the various sieve sizes. 

Pass the dried soil through the set of sieves from 38mm to 4.75mm and record the  weight of soil retained on each sieve in the record sheet.  7. Calculate the percent soil finer than the various sieve sizes.

(c) Sand distribution 

1. Take 200g of soil (soil sieved from 4.75mm sieve) 
2. Soak the sample for an hour in water. 
3. Wash the soaked soil sample on 75 Pm sieve. 
4. Keep the soil retained on the 75 Pm sieve in oven for 24 hours. 
5. Sieve the dried soil through the set of sieves from 2.39mm to 75 Pm and record the 
weight of the soil retained on each sieve in the record sheet.