This Year Will Be The Year of Quality Work Procedure For Sieve Analysis OfAggregate.

Test Standards: BS EN 933: Part 1: 1997/BS 812: Section 103.1:1989 Sieve Tests

Quality Work Procedure for Sieve Analysis of Aggregate

Methodology/ Test Procedur

Choose the Apparatus required for the test

Riffle Box / flat shovel, Drying Oven, Digital Balance, Trays & Containers

Test Sieves including lid and receiver i) For Fine aggregate

10mm, 8mm, 6.3mm, 5mm, 4mm, 2.36mm, 1.18mm, 1mm, 600μm. 500μm 300μm, 250μm 150μm, 75µm, 63μm**


For Coarse Aggregate

63mm, 50mm, 37.5mm*, 31.5mm, 28mm, 20mm, 19mm, 14mm, 10mm, 5mm, 4mm, 2.36mm, 2mm, 75μm, 63 μm
Washing and sieving method

(a) Dry the test portion in the oven at a temperature of 105+5°C to achieve a dry mass,

which is constant to within 0.1%. Allow to cool, weigh and record as M,

Use 75μm sieve reserved for the test and fit 1.18mm sieve on top as a guard


c) Place the oven dry sample in the container and add sufficient water and wash through 75μm

d) Dry the residue in the oven at 105+5 °C to achieve constant mass, cool and weigh (M₂)

Sieving the Dried Residue

a) Nest the clean and dry sieves with the receiver at bottom

b) Place the dried residue on the top sieve and cover with lid

c) Shake each sieve separately when sieving by hand for a minimum period of 2min

d) Do not apply pressure to the surface of the sieve

e) Use light brush to clear sieve openings

1) Weigh the material retained on each sieve together with any material cleaned from the mesh and record the masses in the work sheet

Calculation and expression of results

a) Calculate the mass retained on each sieve as a percentage of the original dry mass (M₁) b) Calculate the mass passing each sieve as a cumulative percentage of the total sample mass


Ensure to record all the information required as per the worksheet stating the Lab Reference #and the Date of Test